One DI box left, 3 original 'transparent' ReAmps left!
It's almost to the wire. The 'SAE AngReAmp' is now officially sold out. 3 ReAmps left... 1 Di box left. end of an era. LOL thanks for...
It's almost to the wire. The 'SAE AngReAmp' is now officially sold out. 3 ReAmps left... 1 Di box left. end of an era. LOL thanks for...
So, I got a few late straggler inquiries about the DI box after it sold out. We initially did a run of 20 limited edition DI boxes with...
We just sold the last SAE Direct Box today, made with a limited run of boxes and the Cinemag CM-DBX transformers. We have about a dozen...
Just a reminder, we have 20 ReAmps left and 2 DI boxes left. When they're finally gone, they're gone forever. I can't wait to share what...
We are running the black friday sale thru end of year only, so speak now or forever hold your peace. All mods and reamps are eligible...
Over the years, I have upgraded many WA-251 mics to an authentic CK12 replica capusle made by various sources (Heiserman, OPR, Tim...
wow, thanks to everyone who ordered mods, mics, and reamps over the past couple weeks, you've really kept me busy well into the new year...
We're getting down to the end. We have about 5 Signal Art Direct Boxes left and about 6 ReAmps and AngReAmps left. When they are gone,...
I get asked every year if I'm doing a black friday special on anything, which is a bit silly to apply to a company like mine; but...
We are happy to finally be able to again offer a choice of capsules on your SAE Tube 47 mic. People have made it clear over the past...
For someone who seems to offer people a lot of flavors and options in products, I am, surprisingly, not a big fan of choices. It can be...
We're always keeping busy here at the lab and there's a few new things to go over. Firstly, we finally have developed an upgrade for the...
We just pulled the trigger on what will be the final batch of ReAmps, ordering fresh metalwork and fresh custom transformers. They will...
We've been busy, but not making much news... Just wanted to let folks know, we've been busy bees but just nothing much new in terms of...
As I write this, I'll be updating the language for our mod on the WA-CX12, and I'd like to take a moment to let folks know that we are...
I've been asked this a few times and funny enough was asked this today while I had a unit straight from Sweetwater on the bench. Yes, we...
I've gotten a few questions about the new edition of the SAE tube 47 and 48 historic editions with the mechanical headbasket switch in...
It's hard to believe this year we are already celebrating (if you all working every day celebrating) five years of Signal Artistry, and...
Many many years ago when I worked for a larger audio company, we had a flagship tube microphone preamp, that, when launched, had some...
For a long time, we have gotten requests to modify the ART T4 tube mic, as well as the Weird Audio 47 mod1 and mod2. We have also...