I haven't been able to post as much as I'd like to do for the blog; but just wanted to drop a quick line to update people on all things happening. Business has really picked up in the month of December, which is a blessing; but also bad for my dream of eventually catching up on all orders. haha So, what we are going to probably do after the holidays (probably after Jan 1) is temporarily stop taking all new orders (except for the ReAmps, which I expect we will have in stock and ready) for a month or two to just give me a chance to fully clear the books and clear out the workshop, and do some much needed re-organizing, re-stocking, and preparing for new orders and for the next phase of the company. Then we will resume back up with most mods and other items. So, if you want to get any particular mic or mod booked, you'll want to do it in the month of December before we close for a bit. Right now, I am tentatively thinking we will re-open everything on March 1'st.
There are also some cool new things in the works, as we slowly try to transition the company over to a higher end original equipment manufacturer and sort of finalize our first few mic offerings with our own permanent metalwork and design; but this process has taken a lot longer than expected, and so I don't want to get too far ahead of myself. It is coming, and we will have more news about that and a hopeful timeline of events sometime next year. Until you hear from me again, I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season, end of year, and new years!