A lot of things are happening behind the scenes here at the lab... Let me try to go over them all briefly.
the handmade tube mics!
The reason we have moved the handmade microphones to out of stock for the time being is because we are gearing up for the next evolution of those products (the SAE Tube 47 and 48). There are half a dozen units in production now and getting ready to ship out, and those will be the last probably for this year. What is happening behind the scenes is that we are updating the design (slightly) yet again to the PCB kit Rev 4, and working to develop and manufacture our own 47 mic body (only slightly different from what we have now, but it will be 'ours' and will be coordinated to mount to our boards very nicely) and also slightly updating the PSU chassis. We hope all of this is done by year's end and will be shipping the Rev 4 versions of our SAE Tube 47 and 48 early next year! We will not be taking pre-orders until our ducks are in a row, thanks.
the ReAmps!
We are manufacturing a new run of the original transparent ReAmp later this year (in about 3 months due to lead time on the custom wound transformer, sorry about that) but have the AngReAmp in stock now and will continue to make those in the interim. Hope to have the original one back in stock in September and we'll do a large run of them to have stock throughout the end of the year.
Mic mods!
Due to rising costs of shipping and parts and everything, and supply chain issues, we are going to continue to streamline the mic mods to just the 'greatest hits' over time, eliminating the ones that are slow sellers or just not really worth the time to do, from a financial standpoint. It will probably just reduce down to the top 4 or so tube mic mods that we do, over time. There is one more mod we are going to start offering next year (Warm C12); but we will be taking a few of the solid state ones off the table. I also don't want to be known too much as a 'mod shop' because Signal Art is really a boutique manufacturer, and the mods (while fun and rewarding), do take away a huge amount of time and resources from our primary function as a builder of original products.
This leads to me another thing that unfortunately must be done. Because we have been so overwhelmed with orders for really the last few years, which I admit we were not prepared for, we are going to suspend taking new mic mod orders after the end of this month, until the beginning of next year. This will allow me to clear the books of all the existing mods that are currently in the queue. And there are A LOT. No no new orders rec'd today would be able to be processed until all existing orders are out the door, and that is going to take me the rest of this year; so I just think there is no point in accepting those orders. We are going to move all mic mods to 'out of stock' on the first of July and then on Jan 1, we will 'reopen' with the mods that we will be doing, plus the one more that we are developing (WA-C12). So, thanks for your understanding on this, and your patience!
That's it for now... there are exciting things in the works for Signal Art as we begin to prepare our transition to the next phase for this company next year, focusing more on original manufacturing and taking that to its next logical level. There is also one more new original product in the works for SAE that I am not going to talk about yet; but will be able to next year... and I'm very excited about it. Absolute mic nerdiness to the max. haha