Quick October update for Signal Art. So, I decided to do something a bit bold and lower prices on our handcrafted mics even at a time when increased shipping costs and other obstacles are really hitting us hard. At the end of the day, I'd rather be building microphones than not building microphones, and I know a lot of people are struggling to get ahead.
We reduced the price of all versions (relay based and historic headbasket switch version) of our U47 and U48 to $2100, shipped in the USA... Basically that is 2k because shipping on these double-boxed beasts is nearly $100 now to many parts of the USA. So, we will no longer 'punish' anyone for wanting the specific version with the headbasket switch or the 48 instead of the 47. They all cost about the same to build, give or take some labor, so we are evening the playing field. The location of the pattern switch should just be an ergonomic decision based on your studio's needs, and not a financial choice.
The baseline edition (with the very high quality, custom made, imported capsule) is now only $1600, shipped, for all versions; just select that capsule in the drop-down menu and it takes that cost off of the final price. These capsule get better with every small-batch run, and I feel like the playing field is going to level out in the coming years. While there is still an edge of smoothness and 'lifelike quality' to the boutique capsules, the differential is getting smaller as mass production techniques becomes more and more refined.
I hope this helps a little bit with anyone who has been on the fence about owning one of our boutique, handcrafted products! Thanks for checking us out!